Sunday, April 21, 2024

My little friend

Hello, here I am after a long break from blogging and writing. I have missed doing one of the things I most enjoy doing for myself. I want to share my writing, don't get me wrong. I only hope you will enjoy reading what I am inspired to write.

I have found this interesting place to write among fellow writers. It's called/WCC (Writers Collective of Canada. The writers are all very encouraging, respectful, and authentic when writing, listening to what each other has written and read to the group. 

Below is a little story I wrote with a prompt from our facilitator.

Thank you so much for stopping by.


 Deidra, you with the beautiful red hair

Amazing little freckled cheeks

Kindness in your daily gestures

Always helping the underdog


You had it not only in your tiny bones

It was in your big heart that burst with love

So, that I wondered how your fragile chest could contain it


Your bright white smile and giant blue eyes

Met us at any time of  day

Knocking at the neighbor's door

To share fresh raspberries from your mama’s garden

Walking Mister Seagal’s dog with him

Whenever your health would let you


Oh sweet little friend

I was twelve and you were four

When your sick kidneys finally failed you


I can still feel your warm little hands around my neck

And hear that  precious raspy voice

You were a friend to many and I can count  you mine

There isn’t a day I don’t think about you and

The ways you asked of everyone how you  could help

Happy girl, sunny girl,

Keep close, oh please keep close.

Peggy Elms, 

April 19.24

Mom, can we talk?

I've had another workshop with the writers at  WCC (Writers Collective of Canada) online. I'm discovering what needs to come out an...