
Showing posts from June, 2024
 WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA Wednesday, June 26, 2024 Hello there,       Here I am with some new writing practices with the same online group  Writers collective of Canada . I am finding these workshops more and more meaningful to me and my writing is benefiting from it also. This community is exceptional. It has no pretension but is the best place for a writer to open up and share what I have kept to myself for so long.      The facilitators are another reason why I enjoy the workshops. They have a love of writing and sharing their talents with us. So here I go with the writing of a few workshops I participated in throughout the month. Thank you for stopping by, Tuesday, June 11,24 1 DRAFT Prompt: Must have been about scars we have, physical or within us  The scar left from not being seen The scar left from not being heard These are scars that many carry throughout their lives At some point, one needs to be seen and heard We are human, it is our life's journey to emerge from them
 WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA Sunday, June 09,2024 3 DRAFTS     Hi there everyone, hope you had a great week. I had some more writing from yesterday's workshop yes it's from the  WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA  online.  (Inspired by: What do memories mean to you? Write about someone's memory of a loved one.)     They say memories with loved ones are the last to leave a person with dementia or Alzheimer's. No coincidence there I say. We as humans can connect with others inherently. So it's natural for us to keep people we love vivid in our brains.     Mama used to talk about Dad a lot  she would talk about how handsome he was dressed when he proposed. Sometimes she would make us laugh with  the funny tricks she would play on him like putting shaving cream on his toothbrush before handing it to him. She giggled at how upset he would get but forgave her so quickly and she loved him as life itself.     Later as Alzheimers progressed, she  would talk about how she took ca
 WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA Sunday June 09, 2024 2 DRAFTS Hello everybody,      I'm done transcribing all the writing, I've done so far with the   WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA  writing workshops. It's amazing how time flies by so quickly when I get started. I am growing more confident with my writing every day now.      I have missed sharing my writing and especially listening to other writers in the different groups I attend. It's one of the best experiences of my life.     Thanks for stopping by and please enjoy,   (Inspired by: What would you like to plant?) Same day, same routine, same old, same old as they say Who says, he asked a loud but to nobody. Sammy got up from his old rocker cracking from his weight What is there to do today? Life had nothing new in store for him Some time ago he still could go out on his own To the market, to Walts and his favourite place the tree nursery You see Sammy fell last month and he's bound to his chair He still could walk s
  WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA Thursday June 06 2024 2 DRAFTS Hello there,       Here I am with a few drafts from last Saturday. I was as usual with a group of  WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA , and wonderful writers might I add. Generous with sharing their writing and offering kind words about others' writing also. I enjoy listening to everybody's comments and the bond that it builds within our community or writers.      Please settle down, relax maybe a cup of your favourite brew and enjoy.     Thanks for stopping by, Peggy (Inspired by: I prefer men to cauliflower. -Virginia Wolf) Tell me something about yourself, the interviewer asked What, do you mean, by what I  prefer to eat, not to eat,  I prefer to do, not to do, my abilities or non-abilities I don't understand what you are asking me Okay, okay he said Listen we go over everybody's application here at Prefer-this-or-that  We want to make sure to find the right match for the neighbours  Already living in the Prefer


 WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA Wednesday June 05, 2024 3 DRAFTS      Another few transcripts of my writing inspired by prompts from the  WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA  I'm trying to transcribe my writing to get up to date. I'm a pen-and-paper girl, so to share my writing, I need to do this after writing. I don't mind; I only need to take the time and nowadays find the time to keep up. Thanks for stopping by, Peggy (Inspired by: Imagine a moment of peace in the future) Peace might come if they let it Thinking of broken families Children being caught between loyalty to Mom or Dad Peace might come if you let it Hoping that it may come from a political party While some have good intentions We know where that road leads Peace might come if we let it Unite all people without even mentioning Black, Indigenous, Asians, Indians, White, only people The support for tragedies in this world should have taught us by now Do I need to mention our Indigenous sisters lost to us without questio


 WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA 3 DRAFTS Hello,      Here is more of my writing from The    WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA  .I'm telling you the words keep flying from my pen to my paper. It feels like a holiday for me these days. I'm keeping  up good writing habits. I want to find the time to add to some of these short short stories.   No pressure  though, only good clean fun.  Thanks as always for stopping by, Peggy (Inspired by: Be open to what your writing can tell you. - Toni Morrisson) Today I have found my friends again Pen, paper, thoughts, experiences, so much to write about The year went by with the thought of writing But nothing doing I used to keep busy with my grandchildren in a way that was frightening as I look back on it I could not spend a day without talking to one or two of them I almost kidnapped them from their parents Oh and to me, they could do no wrong I walked them in the stroller as babies Played with them in the park as toddlers They slept over so many t

Writers Collective of Canada( drafts)

 Saturday June 2, 2024 2 DRAFTS Hello everyone,       I have more writings from the  Writers Collective of Canada  for you to read. We never know where these writings take us and I believe that is what makes me want to write more and more every time. I'm getting busier with these and happier because I am doing what I was born for.       I've written little romance stories as a teenager but never showed them to anyone. I would find them silly tear them all and send them to the garbage. I don't think there were any best-sellers in them but I am sorry I did that.     However, here I am today back at my favorite thing to do. I'm sharing my little stories now and hope you enjoy them. Thank you all for stopping by, Peggy (Inspired by: What are you asking for this day?) My back is bruised and hurt I can't recognize my face reflecting in the door's window pain My eyes are swollen and almost shut I have blood running down my back thankfully it isn't mine Are they com
WRITING FROM MAY, 17, 2024 2 Drafts  Hello again,     It's me your friendly neighborhood-inspired writer, Peggy Elms. I'm back again with some of the beautiful inspiration I get from the  Writers Collective of Canada   fellow writers. We are a very diverse bunch from all parts of the world. I get so excited anytime I have a workshop and they are more and more inspiring, fun, creative and a warm place to come to and share whatever we have on our minds, in our hearts and here we go. Thank you for stopping by always, Peggy (Inpired by: Every story I create creates me. I write to create myself. -Octavia E. Butler) She had gone through rough times in the past years Who hasn't right, I'll mention only the Covid drama and you'll understand Yet this woman had never really stopped to find out who she was The nine-to-five, the kids and daycare, the husband, the keeping house bit Was that all there was to life? Not that she didn't love caring for all her family and colleag
 WRITING FROM SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2024  2 DRAFTS  Hi there,       I've done many little writes during my online workshops with Writers Collective of Canada . I have been finding new ways to write and being inspired by all the writers in the different groups I write with. So very thankful to my son David who suggested I search for free online writing groups. I did and it happened so quickly that I never stopped writing.     Sometimes our writing is serious, funny, deep, and light. Depending on the inspiration, I suppose.  Or simply what's going on in our world or the world in general.     The thing I find the most exciting is that these are all first drafts, with no erasing, and no editing. I feel I have become courageous and brave putting myself out there.     Enjoy,     This writing is from Saturday, May 11, 2024 (Inspired by Dr Seuss, Oh the places you'll go.) This young man walking What are his hopes and dreams? He seems determined in his stance. Upon noticing him, women a