Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hello there, 

    Here I am with some new writing practices with the same online group Writers collective of Canada. I am finding these workshops more and more meaningful to me and my writing is benefiting from it also. This community is exceptional. It has no pretension but is the best place for a writer to open up and share what I have kept to myself for so long. 

    The facilitators are another reason why I enjoy the workshops. They have a love of writing and sharing their talents with us. So here I go with the writing of a few workshops I participated in throughout the month.

Thank you for stopping by,

Tuesday, June 11,24


Prompt: Must have been about scars we have, physical or within us 

The scar left from not being seen

The scar left from not being heard

These are scars that many carry throughout their lives

At some point, one needs to be seen and heard

We are human, it is our life's journey to emerge from them

One can't say unscathed 

Yet one needs to address them, face them

It is a long and difficult process to work on them

To rise from them and in the end, live with them.

Peggy Elms, write

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Prompt: Write about what must be spoken or what's most important to you.

The insides of my body feel so raw right now

How am I going to get up and walk out of here

As if nothing had happened

Did Natalies dad really do what I think he did?

The day had started so peacefully

Nat and I had planned a day at the beach

My parents only agreed when Nat's mom called my parents up

Assuring them I'd be safe with them. 

Two pairs of eyes were going to be on us she said to lighten up the ask

For her Dad had taken the day off just so he could be there 

Helping to check on both of us

After all the running through the waves

Laughing at each other jumping and falling in them

Natalie asked if we could get the cooler out of the car I'm hungry she said

That's when her dad suggested I go with him

I am happy to be part of helping out

My parents never let me do anything at home

She says I'm lucky because she has a list of chores

She needs to do them before ever going outside to play

Note: I've had a few comments from my fellow writers suggesting I write more of this story. I will do some work on it this summer. Something is calling me to this one.

Peggy Elms, writer

Wednesday, June 12, 24

Prompt: Tree

I'm not sure what happened to the teeny tiny pine tree

My Dad had planted on the lawn of our first and only family home

He had us all gathered there the six of us, Mom, and himself

He talked solemnly as I have rarely seen him do about the small pine tree

As a significant part of our heritage

We thought it was a whole lot of nothing then

But we all mentioned it missing at our last family dinner

Note: This is a 5-minute prompt, we usually have 10.

Peggy Elms, writer

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Prompt: Write about where you experience magic or write about where you find it in a story.

The smile she gave me through the subway window

The moment her shoulder brushed next to mine

 When she sat next to me

The look she had when she crossed the street

The courage it took me to ask if she would like to stop 

For a drink instead of heading straight home

The time we spent talking, giggling out silly things and nothings

The unapologetic smile she offered right before she kissed me goodnight

Peggy Elms, writer

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Prompt: Time

Time waits for no one and I don't want to be late

I grabbed my books and headed on to class

Can you help me with my locker I hear a voice cry out

After a few pushes and shoves it did open

Thanks, I heard as I kept my aim on my class

Slipping in spilled orange soda, I was soaked

The white shirt and light blue jeans were looking like some tie-dye,

orange fluorescent look I was trying to give myself 

I wasn't going to be late even if I wasn't going to be clean

I rushed into class, I can't say unnoticed but on time.

Note: This is a 5-minute prompt, we usually have 10.

Peggy Elms, writer

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Prompt: Write about friendship, arrows, songs, or the lasting impact of something said or done.

The night found little Ernest quite broken

Your heart could feel the anguish not only on his face

But the dark room, 

The only small bedtable next to the bed

On it the remnants of a glass of some orange liquid

Probably orange juice

A pair of shoes laid apart next to the bed

A few items of clothing that were hard to recognize were trashed around

The tiny room

The poor boy,  in a fetal position lying over his unmade bed

His  dark blue eyes were bright and beautiful though the puffiness 

Around them, it couldn't hurt more to notice

The pillow we from his drained beautiful eyes

His chess puffing from the strain, the pain put on his breathing

He asked when am I going to see Mama again to every adult in the room

And one of them answered.

You'll never see her again Ernie, she's gone

Peggy Elms, writer

Saturday , June 22, 2024

Prompt: Image of someone walking on a tree trunk

Footing slowly, sometimes fast

This walk takes me to the past

To great and happy times all summer long

Where carefree games and laughter always belong

Footing slowly, sometimes falling

Changes carry us and life keeps calling

Footing slowly, sometimes weaving

Close to our families, we keep believing

Footing slowly, sometimes stopping

Until it's time for our time to go forever napping

Note: This is a 5-minute prompt, we usually have 10.

Peggy Elms, writer


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