Thursday June 06 2024


Hello there,  

    Here I am with a few drafts from last Saturday. I was as usual with a group of WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA, and wonderful writers might I add. Generous with sharing their writing and offering kind words about others' writing also. I enjoy listening to everybody's comments and the bond that it builds within our community or writers. 

    Please settle down, relax maybe a cup of your favourite brew and enjoy.

    Thanks for stopping by, Peggy

(Inspired by: I prefer men to cauliflower. -Virginia Wolf)

Tell me something about yourself, the interviewer asked

What, do you mean, by what I prefer to eat, not to eat, 

I prefer to do, not to do, my abilities or non-abilities

I don't understand what you are asking me

Okay, okay he said

Listen we go over everybody's application here at Prefer-this-or-that 

We want to make sure to find the right match for the neighbours 

Already living in the Preferred City, so you can perhaps start 

with your preference for food

Now our young lady was really thrown off

She had thought of food to start with

How was she going to get her Preferred Cottage in this place

This guy's waiting for answers

He's got this fake patient look all over his face

I don't want to blow this, Corbin will be so upset if I mess this up

Ahem, can you tell me then in a nutshell if you prefer cauliflowers to men

She looked up in surprise because she knew the answer to that one

It was so very easy

Wait is it a trick question? she thought quickly 

So she gave it another few seconds.

She then smiled and said, Cauliflowers are yum...but men are yummier.

Peggy Elms, writer

Saturday June 01,2024

(Inspired by: picture of a baby goat standing on his hind legs reaching up  with his mouth for leaves from a tree)

Mainly every day he jumps, skedaddles, and runs 

in the yard at the back of the house

Ours is a sweet place where we go to the well

 in the early hours to fetch the water we use for the day

An elder tends to our vegetable garden. 

Mama who is the Queen of our small castle helps him.

Cleaning the shrubs, picking whatever is ripe 

Me, Kiho, I observe everybody while sweeping the little castle floor

From one end to another which takes not more than the time 

To go back to my vantage point to watch my baby goat, Jimmy

Kofi, my brother helped me name him because he's very much

Like a human in the picture, a lady took of him before she left for Canada

She said she would send me a framed one once she got home

I'm so happy his picture will be seen by people far away 

Imagine that now, my Jimmy in Canada.

Peggy Elms, writer

Saturday June 01, 2024


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