Wednesday June 05, 2024


    Another few transcripts of my writing inspired by prompts from the WRITERS COLLECTIVE OF CANADA I'm trying to transcribe my writing to get up to date. I'm a pen-and-paper girl, so to share my writing, I need to do this after writing. I don't mind; I only need to take the time and nowadays find the time to keep up.

Thanks for stopping by, Peggy

(Inspired by: Imagine a moment of peace in the future)

Peace might come if they let it

Thinking of broken families

Children being caught between loyalty to Mom or Dad

Peace might come if you let it

Hoping that it may come from a political party

While some have good intentions

We know where that road leads

Peace might come if we let it

Unite all people without even mentioning

Black, Indigenous, Asians, Indians, White, only people

The support for tragedies in this world should have taught us by now

Do I need to mention our Indigenous sisters lost to us without questions

Or the Rwanda, Armenian, and Jewish genocides and 

God knows how many others to come

Peace might come if I let it

How can I feel peace when all these lies are told

Repeated and threatening democracy

How do I feel at peace with injustices in our world

Done to the people we've stolen land from

We've stolen them from their land to be enslaved and enrich our pockets

Peggy Elms, writer

May 31,2024

    I want to add that this is one of my writings I would like to review and finish.

(Inspired by: the kitchen, a central area in everyones home)

Mornings were noisy and busy in the kitchen at my house

Happy noise

They were the start of the day

That funny guy on the AM radio, The Morning Man they used to call him

Always created a pleasurable background for me

Mom would wake up the youngest before leaving for work by calling out her name

Hatty would run the stairs to steal a kiss from her mama before she left for work

Waving goodbye with sore morning eyes from the living room

Running back to the kitchen to placemats, plates, bowls, utensils, peanut butter  

and jam

Sometimes hoey when they could afford it.

Looking at the table pleased with her work

Hatty being seven years old did a good job mama told her.

After washing up her face mixing her untamed frizzy hair into uneven ponytails

She'd rush downstairs to wake up Freddy  though being a year older 

He was quite smaller than Hatty

She would only leave his room once 

She heard him stretch with the loudest

AAAAAAAAAHHHH! That made her smile inside

Back to the kitchen, toast in the toaster, cereal in the bowls, eggs on the counter

Oh and ketchup she counted on her fingers

Around 7 o'clock she'd go down again for Marsha and Keith

They were the hardest to wake up

She'd whisper their names repeatedly 

Patted them on the shoulder until they finally moved after 

An amount of time she didn't have, going from one room to another

Teenagers find it harder to wake up in the morning

Mom repeated to her from time to time when praising her on

All the hard work she did for the family

That made it all worthwhile for pleasing Mama was all she wanted to do

Peggy Elms, writer

May 31, 2024

(Inspired by night time)

The nighttime, never his right time

Can't see my feet, can't find my seat he whispered

Goodness gracious, she said, my precious what is it you can't find

Come here leave that fear behind

I understand you don't like this time of night

Where nothing is apparent but your wary mind

Getting up for a pee

Then wishing you'll settle back into your dreams

We are the same aren't we darling

Let yourself fall and lay near me

In our dreams, we can be courageous and brave

Until dawn comes and frees us from dusk

Peggy Elms, writer

May 31, 2024


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